
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

DIY - Saige's Patriotic Decorations

Saige is going to decorate Zachariah for his parade debut. If you have horses, or other pets such as dogs, goats, cats or cattle you can make decorations for them for a parade.

She began adding ribbons to Zachariah's mane then braided his tail and added ribbons. She placed a flag print blanket under his saddle.

Next she wrapped his legs and saddle with garland.

Then she added a flower on his forehead.

Now Zachariah is dressed for his important parade duties!


  1. Rhonda, how has Zachariah been holding up since you bought him from Walmart last year? I've been thinking of getting a My Life horse for my daughter's Saige, but I'm not sure of the quality. I know you use him mostly for photos, but do you think he'd hold up to typical play by a nine year old?

    1. Zach is a sturdy horse with clicking leg joints. I love him and he stays "parked" next to Saige's Casa. I think a horse like him (or the black or honey), would be great for your daughter. The only concern I have is his coat. The mane is equal to My Life doll hair, but over time his coat could develop worn spots. If you caution your daughter at age nice she is old enough to make sure this doesn't happen. The accessories are durable too. I have had Zach in the sun, on concrete, on grass, in wind and in snow. Bosley always inspects him when he comes back inside, but I would keep a horse away from pets. Let me know what you do decide to buy :-)

  2. Great idea using the "tinsel" as decorations for the horse.
