
Saturday, June 21, 2014

*Opening* Kit's Accessories

I can't believe I waited THIS LONG to get Kit's accessories. I bought Kit in her meet outfit from a local craft and antique mall and never got her accessories. I placed a large order for free shipping and was able to get them.

My next and final purchase for Kit before the launch of Beforever will be her floral print dress and summer dress. 

I have had questions as to whether the historical pets will stay and I believe they will. I know we have seen the older version of Julie's dogs replaced and both Pepper and Meatloaf have been on sale. I still need to get Kit Grace!



  1. I recently acquired Josefina's and Addy's and Rebecca's accessories. I have to check my list for other historical items. My collection isn't as complete as yours; I just have the things I really like.

  2. I just found your lovely blog today. It looks fantastic.
    What in the world is a Beforever launch? It sounds awful. Currently I have 10 historical girls, and one GOTY. (Isabelle)

    1. Thank you Loretta. Beforever is the revamped historical doll line launching Aug 28. You can read all about it by selecting the BEFOREVER option on the sidebar.

  3. Hi - I have read your blog off and on since we started acquiring AG items last Christmas. It's quickly turned into an obsession! We recently received Kit and Ruthie from a friend and are reading her books. I really want to finish out her collection. We immediately bought all the Ruthie items - and have picked up some of the rest of the collection. BUt, we are still missing some important pieces we really would love to have - her desk, scooter, birthday items, school supplies, and lunch set as well as her nightgown. Do you think we will have trouble acquiring these after the Beforever launch?

    1. Hi Heather! Thanks for reading my blog.
      Kit will be getting a new meet outfit and book set. I suggest buying Kit's desk, any school items, all birthday items and her table set. The linked post may help you make decisions.

  4. Hi thanks for the response! I also posted on the AG FB wall as well just a bit ago and got this response - "We don't have specifics to share yet, Heather. If there is anything you wish to purchase from the current Historical collection, we recommend doing so at your earliest convenience to avoid possible disappointment." Ahh! My cart on AG is over $300 in just Kit items!
