
Friday, June 6, 2014

Julie & Ivy's Outdoor Exploration - Camp

This week's theme at Camp is OUTDOOR EXPLORERS!

Julie and Ivy set off to explore the campsite. 

There are old artifacts along the parameter of the camp grounds. The girls grab their camera in search of interesting objects!

After stumbling upon a chicken coop, the girls find this pile of barbed wire.

"Is this where we mail out letters?" Ivy asked
"I don't know, it looks abandoned." Julie answered.

 The girls can't believe their luck! An old Pioneer wagon...


"Oh look! There's another wagon over there under the awning!" Ivy yells. 



"Climb up! Climb up Julie!!!!"

Our explorers get a first hand look at what real life Pioneer camping was like.

This weeks CAMP VIDEO 


  1. IVY IS SO CUTE!!!!! I love this outfit. Looks like they had a fun time today!
