
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Addy Walker - Three Doll Comparison

Three versions!
With the new "enhancements" to Addy Walker, I thought it would be interesting to do a comparison between 
  • Pleasant Company Addy
  • Mattel Addy
  • Beforever Addy
My friend Heather submitted personal photos of her Mattel Addy to help in the comparison.

My Pleasant Company Addy
Heather's Mattel Addy

Both PC and Mattel Addy have 
  • lined eyebrows
  • flesh colored lips
  • textured hair
  • hoop earrings 
Be Forever Addy has 
  • feathered brows
  • darker lips 
  • hoop earrings
  • it's unclear yet about her hair texture
 I noticed Be Forever Addy has a fuller upper lip.

My Pleasant Company Addy

It appears both Pleasant Company and Be Forever Addy have lighter skin than Mattel.

Pleasant Company Addy next to Mattel Bitty Twins, all have similar skin tones.

Heather also did a side by side of Addy with her beautiful Cecile.

Mattel Addy has darker skin than Cecile, a wider nose and fuller lips, while Cecile has feathered brows, thinner nose and hazel green eyes.

Mattel /NOLA                                                                  Pleasant Company
 Beforever Addy
My Pleasant Company Addy

My Pleasant Company Addy.

Pleasant Company Addy has a wider face than both Be Forever and Mattel Addy.

My Pleasant Company Addy.

I think Pleasant Company Addy has lighter eyes than both Be Forever and Mattel Addy.

  Personally, and this is strictly my opinion, I think Be Forever Addy and MyAG #58 have similar facial features.

No matter what - Addy is a beautiful doll and I think she would make a wonderful addition to anyone's collection!

Thank you Heather for letting me use photos of your beautiful girls in this comparison.

Please leave a comment below and let me know what it is about Addy that you love!


  1. How do you know this about beforever addy? Do you have pictures of her? By the way, did you get a new doll? Your banner changed?

  2. where did you get the catalogue pics?

    1. The images of Addy are screen shots from the American Girl video.

  3. Oh those Pleasant Company catalogue pictures just bring back the best memories.

  4. I wish I could get Addy right now! But with me wanting Marie grace,Cecile and Ivy (who I'll have to get on e-bay) it's just not happening.

  5. Mattel Addy is gorgeous!

  6. Addy is a fabulous doll. At some point it would be nice to add her to my collection.
