
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

AG Modern Doll Changes

Here is a look back at just how much Girl of the Year, Just Like You and My American Girl meet outfits have changed since 1995.

1995 Mix and Match Outfit

1996 First Day Outfit

1998 Red Jumper Outfit

2000 Urban Outfit

2002 Go Anywhere Outfit

2004 Ready For Fun

 2006 I Like Your Style

2008 Star Hoodie

2010 Real Me Outfit

2012 True Spirit Outfit

All photos: American Girl Wiki


  1. I like the Go Anywhere Outfit. I hope the new one is fun and interchangeable. I personally do not like the current one but really like the boots. I don't have any MyAG dolls but would like to get #55, #58 and #61 (if she is the red head I have seen on the net and if she ever comes out). I just don't want them all in the same meet outfit. Too many changes all at once this year so all MyAGs will have to wait for next year. My mom has bought herself Kit, Ruthie from the store and Chrissa (off a friend) and got my daughter Caroline for Christmas and me Julie for my bday. My husband bought me Josefina for my bday and then I went and bought Saige for a gift for my daughter for later in the year for her bday and then announcement of archival and I got Cecile and Marie Grace. I want to add Addy but she has to wait! We planned on no more than 1 doll each a year and you see how that went!

  2. So interesting to see them all together. There defiantly seems to be a pattern starting at 2002. Purple, pink, purple, pink and so on. I wonder if the new outfit will fallow the pattern and be purple.

  3. Looks like outfits get subsequently less and less detailed, too. That's a shame. Hopefully the new one will be more detailed. That would be nice!

    1. Yeah, they're soo simple now. Strange... But then they want the girls to accessorize them. I am surprised they haven't just put the MAG doll in PJs or Underwear(tank/panties) and have the buyers decide what goes on her from a selection of MyAg outfits? Maybe that'll be the "Truely Me"?

    2. That sounds like fun!!!!!!!!!! But then I would find the most sparkly thing in the whole store XD

    3. The new meet outfit is the "Sparkly Lilac Dress" . It is not very detailed but it is sparkly. Like the silver sash but I agree they need to come with tank tops as well as panties underneath. I know a lot of girls that age don't bother wearing them but when I sew for a doll who needs lots of trying on, it's weird seeing her in just panties! I did sew one tank top, but as most of my dolls are historical now, not many of them can accurately wear it.
