
Monday, March 25, 2013

AG Historical Dolls Release Dates

In 1986, Pleasant T. Rowland, a former educator founded Pleasant Company which is headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin.

1986 Molly McIntire, Kirsten Larson and Samantha Parkington were the three original American Girls that launched the collection. These dolls had a white bodies.

1991 when Felicity Merriman was released, the bodies were changed from white to match skin color. 

1993 Addy Walker joined the American Girl collection.

1997 Josefina Montoya was introduced. 

2000 Kit Kittredge was launched. 

2002 Kaya'aton'my (Kaya) was released.  

2004 (June) Nellie O'Malley was added as the first Best Friend doll (to Samantha) followed by -

2005 (September) Elizabeth Cole (Best friend to Felicity). 

2006 (September) Emily Bennet (Best Friend to Molly) debuted.

2007 (September) both Julie Albright and her Best Friend Ivy.

2008 Ruthie Smithen (Kit's Best Friend).

2009 Rebecca Rubin launched in May.

2011 (August) both Marie Grace Gardner and Cecile Rey debut.
2012 Caroline Abbott was released in September. 

2014 Samantha Parkington was re-introduced out the AG archives with the Launch of BeForever.

2016 Melody Ellison released in August.

2017 Felicity Merriman out of the BF vault - released February 16. 

2018 Molly McIntire out of BF the vault - release February 19.


  1. thanks! awesome to know!

  2. Hmmm...And now this makes me wonder who will debut in 2013...
