
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How To Make - 18" Doll Stove + Canned Food

I had a great time making an old fashioned cook stove. My version is a bit more old fashioned than Kit's and can be used for these AG dolls: Felicity, Caroline, Marie Grace, Cecile, Kirsten, Addy, Samantha and Rebecca!

There is a cast iron stove in Mrs. Golden's kitchen like the one we are making today.

VIDEO Tutorial
I have two doll sized stoves as already seen in this POST

As always I started out using a box.

I hot glued a piece of card board for the stove top. 

 Hot glued it all together.

Painted it with black semi-gloss paint. 

Made "feet" by hot gluing two water bottle caps together then hot glued them on each corner of the bottom.

Allowed it to dry over night.

 With a small artist's brush I went back and filled in all of the  nooks and crannies to make sure everything was completely covered in paint.

The next day I glued "burners" on top using foil.  

I drew on an oven door then added knobs. 

Using a thick foam sheet, I cut triangular pieces to add more dimension to the sides of the stove.


 But our kitchen would be incomplete without canned foods!! I have made canned food using a tube from a foil package. You can paint the tube (1" cans) metallic silver or cover them in either foil or duct tape. Glue these vintage labels onto the front to fill your doll's pantry. 


  1. What did you put under the paper for caned food?

    1. The cans are empty. I hot glued the duct tape to the edges. You can use glue stick to put labels on.

    2. Understood - but what are the actual cans made from? Or where did you get them?

    3. I used paper towel tubes. You can also use empty spools.

  2. Rhonda, I just discovered this wonderful stove you made! How delightful - now I really have to create one for my doll house as well! Because my vintage or historical dolls need rooms too ^_^. Thanks so much for the idea and the canned food templates. Take care ^_^.

    1. Thanks Shosy, I can't wait to see how it turns out.
