
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Identifying PM / Mattel American Girl Dolls

Mattel purchased Pleasant Company in 1998.
During which time older dolls became more valuable than transitional dolls. I would like to share how to tell the difference between PM (pre-Mattel), transitional and Mattel AG dolls. I have learned the traits to distinguish what "type" of AG dolls I have and could possibly own one day.

Mattel dolls have American Girl stamped on the back of the neck. But if you have an older doll, there are ways to detect whether she is PM or a transitional doll.

 Only SIX historical dolls can be PM - Kirsten, Molly, Samantha, Felicity, Addy and Josefina.

Older dolls will have Pleasant Company stamped on the back of their necks, but that doesn't mean they are PM. PM doll characteristics include: an artist mark found near the back of one of her ears, pliable soft vinyl, chubby thick bodies with broader shoulders, detailed finger and toe nails, no body tags and no stars.

Transitional dolls will have Pleasant Company stamped on the back of the neck, but will have harder vinyl, one body tag and possibly stars on leg joints only.

I also found a great blog JustUsDolls with photo comparisons. 

I suggest looking at this to help aid you or someone you know who wants to try to identify an inherited doll, an eBay find and my goodness I have heard other AG collectors say they found Samantha and Addy at Goodwill for goodness sake! For $3.99!! Amazing!  

Good luck and please post in comments any amazing deals you've found - like Goodwill! Lol ;-) 


  1. Just found a PM Samantha at Salvation Army for $5!! :)

  2. Mine has Germany body tag, artist mark,soft eye lashes and PC neck stamp, is identical to Kirsten except length of hair and no short hairs in the back....what do you think..PM or transitional? TIA

    1. All criteria says PM. Odd about the hair though...perhaps it was cut or rewigged? I would love to see pictures, please email!!

    2. Help me which doll do I have,it was my grandmother's and I would like to sell her never taken out of box how much h should I ask

    3. If you email photos, I can try to help you.

    4. they are worth more, its a german designer, i have one too.

    5. It's truly me number 3 but the version pleasant company had in the 90s

  3. I found GOTY 2008 Mia at one of my local Thrift stores for 6 bucks!

  4. My daughter got Josefina second hand. Her neck says Pleasant Company. There at one time was a body tag, but was cut off at one time. Her hair (wig) looks very different from current day AG dolls. There aren't any stars anywhere. On the leg joints it says 26. Is this a transitional doll?

  5. I just got a naked Samantha at a thrift store for one dollar. I hope she is real. Her head and limbs are rather hard. She is marked Pleasant. Company and has what I think is the watermark . Appreciate any help or advice.

  6. We just found a doll yesterday at Goodwill for $5.99. She has a Pleasant Company Mark and no body tag. And she is in great condition we think she is a Girl of Today or possibly Kirsten.

    1. "Girl of Today" dolls were manufactured by Mattel, not Pleasant Company.

    2. "Girl of Today" was introduced in 1996 before Mattel bought Pleasant Company."Just Like You" was started in 1995 and is also Pleasant Company. So it is very possible this is pre-mattel.

  7. Hello. Just curious. I purchased a Kit doll from someone and her neck states American girl in middle and below are numbers. 31 F 10. Is thischool normal?

    1. Yeah I have Lanie and she has numbers too i don't know why none of my other dolls have it but I don't know maybe the old Mattel ones do but TBH IDK 😜😭

  8. I recently purchased a doll which has pheasant company in small letters on the neck with the number 10 L03 underneath. I believe her to be a look alike. Can anyone help me?

  9. I found a Felicity at a flea market. She has pleasant company stamp, artist mark by ear, colored eyelashes and no body tag. But her body isn't very wide

    1. Lucky you! She sounds like a beauty.

    2. Any doll that has numbers under the pleasant company plate or signature are Mattel dolls that were left over by pleasant company. So are they considered value wise pc, sadly no. The today dolls , only the early numbers, up to 30? Around that are DEFINITELY PLEASANT COMPANY DOLLS. The smaller the writing on the neck they are Mattel. Mattel was allowed to use up the remaking dolls heads after pleasant left Mattel, while trying to help them. The dolls with the @ next to Pleasant company that looks carved out are the earlier dolls. Hope this helps

  10. I found Kanani for $2.25 at a local Goodwill. I could not believe my eyes, as that was the price for one of their nude Barbies! :-)

  11. Do you know how to identify My American Girl dolls by the neck code numbers or such? I have one that says "4 F 10" under "@American Girl", but don't know if that tells the specific face mold, eye, & hair type or if it is totally unrelated. Thanks.

    1. i have the same doll which says 4 F 10

  12. Thank you! I have an older doll and I just figured out she is transitional. This is a great article.

    1. Awesome, it helped me too, glad the article was of use to you as well.

  13. I am look at an Addy on eBay. Her neckstamp says Pleasant company 148/18. What does that mean?

  14. I think I have a Samantha doll neck stamp says Pleasant company 60 C3, there is a mark (?artists mark" between her neck and ear, but she has a tag that says made in China exclusively for American Girl 2008. Can you tell me if she is transitional or has any added value than the dolls in the store today?

  15. Hello My daughter just got 2 AG dolls that her friend gave her second hand and we are trying to figure out who they are. Is there a way of identifying the dolls

  16. I sadly have to part with my collection of dolls and only know that they are they ones made before the company was changed. Any advice on how I should get them to a good how is much appreciated! My email is . Off the top of my head I have Samantha Felicity Josefina . Samantha's books. Her brass bed. And more things I'm sure I have to pull from storage. Everything is in original boxes.

  17. I recently bought 3 American Girl dolls at a estate sale. They are Samantha, Kirsten & Molly. Molly appears to be pre-Mattel. The best find was a few years back. At Goodwill I spent $300.00 on a ton of American Girl stuff. You name it it was there. Most in new condition and a lot of it still in boxes and all it was retired. There was 2 dolls in the lot. I still have Ivy, Kayla & Kirsten's trunk with the bed inside of it. To make a long story short I sold most of it on eBay. My $300.00 investment turned in to $3000.00 profit.

  18. How can I identify a doll given to me? Under the American Girl LlC stamp has 27A D7 and the small body tag says 2008

  19. I was given a red hair AG with bangs and blue eyes, with Pleasant company stamp and number 7h9. Looking for name.

  20. Thanks for the information. I just figured out that an older doll I have is a transition doll. Her vinyl is definitely hard but it has a bit of a different texture to it than my Mattel Kit doll' s vinyl

  21. I found a 15" with bent knees and long hair at a thrift store. She was wearing a build a bear dress. I cannot find out anything about her. Please help. Marked American Girl so I know it is not old. I want to know if she is real

  22. I inherited a Pleasant Company Doll that I can't place. I don't believe she has a name but I think she is GT10. She had pretty dark brown hair with bangs and beautiful green eyes. How can I be sure ?

    1. There is a lot of info here:

  23. I have a truly me ( I'm pretty sure ) she looks like #22 & 27 . How can I tell the difference ?

    1. You should be able to identify her here:

  24. I have a Kristen doll, with Lissi doll on neck and the number 126 under hairline. Her dress tag says made in west Germany for pleasant company 1986. I can't find out any information on manufacturer

    1. She's not an American Girl doll. Her manufacture is Lissi.

  25. Thank you for this article even though it's from 2012. I just bought samantha off eBay last eek and she came in today. When I saw the softer brown lashes I had a feeling he was before Mattel andpre transition. I did get worried when I saw no body tag, but this post soothed that worry! I got her for $75!

  26. I just got an American girl doll. But I am unable to tell who she is. Can you help with identifying her. I am new to the American girl doll seen .

  27. I have an Pleasant Company doll with the Name on the back of the neck, Tag shows Made in Germany for Pleasant Company 1986 and the number 2135. Can you give me any information

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. FOUnd a Samantha at goodwill for $15. She SEEMS to be PM or transitional. Her nevk has Pleasant Company. I dont see a mark by either ear. No body tags or evidence of a body tag taken off. She seems wider than our other ones. Her dress has a tag that says “made in Germany for Pleasant Co” and her stockings have a tag that say “made in Taiwan for Pleasant Co”

    She is missing her shoes but has her ribbon.

    I washed her hair and cleaned her skin. Washed the clothes and ironed the ribbon. She looks great!

  30. Hi I was wondering if u could tell me if I have samantha doll and how much it could possibly be worth . Someone made me an offer but now I'm scared to low ball it. It looks like the brown hair is a little shorter idk if it was cut alittle bit or not ... but she has the hair trimmings underneath as well like the originals she had thr pleasant co sign in back of her head up high and the markings behind the ears can I send u a picture to see what u think ? Thanks in advance

  31. Hi! What a great post. We have been given a doll which I can now identify as a PM doll. I've seen her referenced as "Ayame" (AGT #4). Not sure what AGT means and if Ayame is her real name. I'm going to email pictures. Thanks in advance!

  32. I just found Kirsten at a resale shop. After research she is an older pleasant company with artists stamp. I'm so excited how do I find her value thank you

  33. Are transitional American Girl dolls valuable? I have a Kirsten - excellent shape and original clothes with Pleasant Company stamp on the back of her neck. Body vinyl is hard and there is a body tag.

    1. All PC Mattel AG dolls have value. Its what buyers are willing to pay. The market fluctuates seasonally. You'll get better outcome during holidays than during a slow season.

  34. Hello i just bought a white body Samantha doll today, she has the lighter brown hair and eyelashes, her dress tag says west germany for pleasant company but no apparent body tag or seems to every had one, her face is soft to squeeze but her strings are not completely flat but seem semi flat but not as round as the newer dolls, can you give me some information

    1. She is an original Pleasant CO doll made in West Germany.

    2. Hello again, thanks for your time and information but she seems right in every way except her strings which seem semi round not as flat as other white bodied dolls that i have seen online, can you give me some thoughts about why here strings would not be completely flat like others, any thoughts or information would be greatly valued, this is a great avenue for information and insights on collecting, thanks again...

  35. In 2017 i found a samantha doll at my local good will she was 50$ a bit much for a thrift store but a good deal none the less she was wearing her original nightdress and robe. i believe she is a pre mattel doll she has a artist mark and pm lashes and a number 62 on her neck she feels different than my transition molly more rubbery and squishy as well as having the round body and broad shoulders and no tag

  36. I am trying to identify an American girl doll I purchased at goodwill. She has American Girl LLC stamped on her neck. When I took her head off to tighten, there is an M stamped inside her lower neck and 2478 stamped on the flat part of the head that inserts into the body. Do these numbers mean anything?

    1. I know nothing about what the numbers mean. If you email the photos of your doll, I will help identify her.

  37. Hi. Im am new to this world but learning quickly. I have a pc doll shes soft vynil larger body and soft eyelashes. My heart says it Molly but many say its not. But my real problem is my PC dam that has a green wig cap ?? This is killing me. In sure shes PC shes super adorable wish I could share pictures. Basicly need help identifying these 2 gorgeous PC . Janiefernandez1971@gmai

  38. I just re-discovered my own molly doll from when I was younger. My parents bought my sister and I american girl dolls for Christmas, we have a ton of stuff, all pre 1997. Do you know where I could get her appraised or opinions on prices? Between my sister and I we have Addy, molly,josephina,samantha and felicity, we each have a look a like doll and I have a bitty baby. we have trunks,vdesks, dresses, really cool stuff, I was glad to re-discover them.

  39. No thrift store finds yet. I've had my Josefina since 2007 when my mom got her off ebay. My husband just bought me 2 more dolls to complete the collection I wanted, one brand new from AG and the other off ebay. Love them all

  40. I have a discontinued #4 (Asian) doll. She has “Pleasant Company” on the back of her neck, and seems to have the thicker, broader build, no body tag, and no stars. So I think she may be a PM. But I see no artist mark behind her ear, and the vinyl is not what I’d exactly call “soft”or “squishy- though I’m not sure what I have to compare it to.

  41. we have an American Girl doll that looks like Lea Clark 100% but her tag says year 2014. does anyone know how its possible?

  42. We just picked up an older AG doll with the pleasant company stamped on her neck we have no idea who she is is there any way to tell what her name is we got a a thrift store for 4.50

  43. I bought Molly from an old woman a few years ago. She has no body tag, Pleasant Company print high on her neck. There is a faded print behind her ear which I have a hard time figuring out what it is. It can be the letter "M" or two digit numbers I cant tell.

  44. was wondering how to tell the value of a samantha soll, she is stamped pleasant company on her neck and has a tan body. all original clothes.

  45. I just found an original Molly with PM, artist mark & all of the signs that it’s an original doll! I got it for 20$ on Facebook Marketplace and the seller has Samantha too! It’s in miraculous condition and I’m amazed. I feel like I should keep it forever as a collectors item.
