
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How To Make - Felicity's 4-Poster Doll Bed DIY (Part 2)

Now that the bed has been built and painted -see PART ONE here - I made a basic mattress out of muslin to match that of Felicity's.

Then I had to find red gingham fabric for the canopy drapes and was SO HAPPY when I did at Hobby Lobby!

I knew the task of finding bedding to match Felicity's would be close to impossible. I found two different patterns, but wish they were combined. I think they would make a very close match. Still I like the fabric I got - it is pretty.

 The drawback - is that the finished bed is  not 23" tall like the AG bed. It is 19" tall.


 I found this little chair for $1- it had a flower pot in the middle.


 I painted it then upholstered some cardboard with a fabric swatch to make a seat.


  1. You did an amazing job with that! I love how the bed turned out. And the chair is just adorable.

  2. Oh thank you Jen! I like the way it turned out too, but especially enjoyed the project because my hubby helped me. Let me know if you do a doll bed too :-) I love your polymer clay doll lollipops!!

  3. For those who aren't thrilled with by-the-yard fabric prices or aren't up to hemming all those curtains--I used an old plastic tablecloth left over from a picnic for the gingham curtains. It still looks okay for photos, and I got this one for free.
